Thursday, January 15, 2009

Classic Woodworking Bench

So, I went to Lowes and ran across a twist, bend and warp sale. I got about 2 truckloads worth of 2x4s and such for around $20. I loaded it all into the shop which was quite a mess but managed (after some cutting) to fit everything in.
After all of this made it into the shop I tore apart my old shop table in order to begin work on a new bench. I did a fair amount of research and looked at well over 25 different options and decided on a simple but effective bench. I constructed the whole thing out of the 2x4s that I had gotten by ripping off both sides to make a square 2x3. I planked the top with a 2x8 and 2x3 pieces. It is heavy duty and cost me less than $10. In fact the $25 wood vise that is on one end was far more expensive than the bench itself. I also drilled bench dog holes every 6 inches as to hold larger projects. I think this thing has to be just about perfect for me. Below is the finished product.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Wall Bins and shop clean-up

I decided to mount my screw bins up on the wall today as part of my shop clean-up. i also decided to throw together a drill press stand as well in hopes that I can work my way around the shop to replace all my fixtures with more workable ones. I will be putting a door on the front of it later and adding a shelf.

Glue-up Caddy

I got tired of reaching around while I was gluing up projects and saw a similar design in a WOOD magazine article. I came up with this guy which holds the following: Glue, Glue Brushes (I use stencil brushes), sandpaper, a scraper/ putty knife, a pencil, putty, and a moist sponge.