Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Break

While the kids are away I will play! I finally got a chance to get back in the shop after the baby arrived. I pumped out projects left and right.

First I worked out a new sander bit for the drill press completely shop made with a long carriage bolt and some cicle cuts. A little spray adhesive and it was ready to roll.Second i got to work on finishing the paint job on the walls of the shop it was too dark and dirty. The floor is the next on my list but we will see when I have time.

The maintenance department here at work was selling off some old plywood they used after the tornado. I got a deal at $5 per sheet, so i got 5. I built two large garden planters so that my vegetables would have room to grow. It seems that every seed i stick in the ground here in Kentucky grows like crazy.
After that I had been wanting some sort of planning table in my shop so I built a quick one with a cabinet above and a flip up drawing surface. This is before the door had been placed on it.

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