Thursday, December 4, 2008


I found a huge section of woodworking books at the local library (what a surprise!). I've decided to share one that I thought was especially fun:

This book is a great amount of fun and a good starting point for someone like me who aspires to make things out of wood that do more than sit there and look pretty. This book is jam packed with wooden workings, gears, cams and all sorts of fun concepts and toys that can bring life to your stuff. I have a play kitchen in my future and am especially interested in ways I can make it really fun.

The project plans in this book lead you to building a gearbox and sample set of just about every working to attach to it (mine are less colorful and pretty than theirs). I think thats a great idea and a way to keep those items around in your shop so you don't foget how to do it. it also gives you the opportunity to mess around with those pieces and come up with creative new uses for them.

If you have any desire to ever work on a wooden clock, This is a great starting point!

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